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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Letter 18 ~ September 20, 1918

I tell Minnie I did some “pretty fair shooting” out on the firing range and then speculate about being transferred.

Addressed to Miss Minnie G. Frey, Stockdale, Kansas
Camp Republican
Friday evening, [September 20, 1918]

Dear Kid:

I received another of your letters today & I am shure glad that you think enough of me to write every day if you are busy.

I have been on the firing line most all day. We got out there at daylight and I scored until about eleven o’clock when I had to stop until 12. I did pretty fair shooting compared with some of the men, but it was nothing remarkable. This afternoon I scored again. One man a little ways to my right was injured. The bolt of his rifle blew out or something & tore his face a little. I don’t know how badly. No one was seriously injured tho.

About 20 or 30 men were transferred from our company today & were sent to [Camp] Funston so I don’t believe I will be sent to Funston. I will probably be transferred as soon as I get over my last shot which I will get tomorrow. I shure hope you can come up next Sunday after my squad will be on guard. I think I can get off tho.

How I long to be with you kid, but as you say, after this old mess is cleared up & the dishes washed, we will be glad that we sacrificed as much as we did even if it is not the supreme sacrifice as many before us have had to do.

When I am transferred & you do not hear from me, do not think I have forgotten you. But just say, “Well he will write when he can.” Just believe in me & when this war is over, I am coming back to you. Yours forever, -- Ward

[P.S.] If you have time, you might want to make me some chocolate fudge.

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