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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Letter 130 ~ January 21, 1919

I write Minnie about social activities in Nitro, West Virginia.

Addressed to Miss Minnie G. Frey, Stockdale, Kansas

Nitro, West Virginia

Dear Kid,

We have been having some of the prettiest winter weather lately that anyone could wish for. The natives say however that it is not usually quite so warm this time of year. One can go around in the afternoon in perfect comfort in his shirt sleeves although we are not allowed to except around the barracks. If it wasn’t so muddy, I would ramble all over the hills here but the mud takes some of the joy out of walking.

Sunday afternoon I went to a tea party given by the Y.W.C.A. ladies at the school house. I have spoken of the school house before but I have never described it to you. It is quite a nice building for such a hurriedly and temporarily built place. It has a long hall in it where dances & parties are held. Last Sunday I went around a little & was surprised to see how well equipped it was. Modern laboratory fixtures throughout. They have courses in French, Spanish, Latin, domestic science, etc.

Well, I had quite a nice time at the party. I got to talking with a girl that I had met before. When I get home, don’t forget to have me tell you about her. I can’t do it in a letter very well but honestly, she is different from any other girl I ever met.

Sunday evening they had church services at the theatre followed by a picture show. The house was full but I don’t know which was the main attraction.

Monday night I was invited to a party at one of the bungalows. The folks there treated us fine & we had a nice time. You know I said that they closed the “Y.” They brot two of the pool tables over here to the barracks that had been in the “Y.” As that was one of the great attractions at the “Y”, its being closed won’t be quite so bad. We fellows who practice basketball tho have access to the “Y” gymnasium.

When I was on guard last Saturday, I had one of the new posts. It was guarding a gate into the area where the powder is stored. One has to stay on this post four hours without relief. Four hours from 9 to 1 in the night sure seems most awful long. I have spent four or five hours from about eight until over two in the morning somewhere out in Kansas & it seemed very short but circumstances alter cases.

The rumor is getting about now that it we’ll have to begin drilling again. I sure hope we don’t because now that the war is over, we can’t get the life into it that we did before.

I don’t know whether it is a good sign or not but I dreamed that I was home last night. Do dreams ever come true? Well, Minnie, I hope you are well & still getting fat. As ever, -- Ward

  • In the book, Nitro, the WWI Boom Town, it is reported that “all protestant denominations were included by the ‘Liberty Church’ which held morning services at the schoolhouse and evening meetings at the theatre.”

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