Minnie writes me from her parents farm near Manhattan. She tells me she is learning to knit.
Addressed to Pvt. Ward C. Griffing, 25th Company, 164th Depot Brigade, Camp Funston, Kansas
Manhattan, Kansas
[Friday] November 1, 1918
Dearest Ward:
I had two letters from you yesterday – the one you wrote Tuesday evening and the one that had been held at Camp Funston. I’m going to write this morning. It was so late when I got home last night, I thought I had better go to bed.
You wondered what we were to do last evening Halloween. My, I had so many social engagements; I had to cancel them all. There’s so much doing, we are certainly in a whirl.
I didn’t do much on my outline yesterday as I had intended. I decided yesterday morning I wanted to learn how to knit, so I got Mama to teach me. I like it better than anything else I have done that way. I think I’ll do that all my spare time this winter. I’m ashamed to think I haven’t learned before, but Stella [Munger] and I were so busy last winter, we didn’t have time when other girls were learning to knit.
Yesterday afternoon, [my brother] Wayne wanted me to go to town with him. I wanted to get a few things so I went. And just my luck – Stella [Munger] came while I was gone. So I only got to see her about half an hour. I guess we sure are going back to our schools Monday. It will seem almost like beginning all over again and our work will be awfully mixed up, I’m afraid. But I don’t mind.
Mama, Wayne, Lester, Bertha, Ruth and I all went over to your home last night. Willis brought out the little bottles of grain. We went over them first and he told me what he thought I would want. Then he got the labels and we printed the names and put them on the bottles. It was fun. I’m glad they were not fixed up before. Willis was sure good about it. He said he didn’t think you wanted to sell them and I had better bring them back with me when I leave my school. So if you want them, I’ll sure take good care of them and bring them back. I sure am thankful to get them. It sure saves me a lot of work and time and then I wouldn’t have a collection like that. If I can complete my collection this winter the way I want to, the children will certainly be interested in that work. Those children seem better about fitting right in and taking up what I might start than most any of the schools I have known.
I thought when you left here [last] Sunday you intended to go back to Camp [Funston] that evening. So I didn’t look for you back here hardly. A least I made myself believe you were not coming so I wouldn’t be disappointed if you didn’t. My I wish you could have come back again. The time you were here, Boy, sure flew by. And if we hadn’t had company, I’m afraid I would have felt awfully bad when you left. It was gloomy and lonesome.
We certainly do owe you an apology, Ward, for not offering you any supper Saturday night. We never once thought of it till last night and from what you said about time you left camp, etc., we concluded that you didn’t have anything to eat that evening. That certainly was a bone head on my part and I wouldn’t have been so forgetful for anything. Willis said, “Believe me! When I get a girl and go to her home if I’m hungry, I’m going to ask for something to eat.” I wish Ward would do that too if his girl hasn’t got sense enough to give it him without his telling her. I guess I’ll make a rule of asking you every time you come if you have had your last meal, then I’ll not do anything like that again.
Your mother is certainly looking and feeling more like herself and Willis is just alright now. I don’t think you need to worry anymore about them. I’m certainly glad they were so lucky.
Hope you continue feeling fine. We are looking for you home this weekend. Do you think you can come? Goodbye and lots of love for you, -- Minnie G. Frey
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