Minnie tells me she feels like “a bird in a cage” – thinks of nothing but school and her soldier boy.
Addressed to Mr. Ward C. Griffing, 25th Company, 164th Depot Brigade, Camp Funston, Kansas
[Sherman, Kansas]
Friday evening, 10:15 P.M., [September 20, 1918]
Ward Dear:
Well honey boy, I just about played off on you tonight. I cleaned the school house and furniture so well that I didn’t get home till supper time and I haven’t spent any time in my room. It’s getting late now to write. I’ve just been telling Mrs. Parkerson all about the Girls and Boys Club on College Hill. I told her all about the first time the boys entertained the girls [on] Thanksgiving, about the Christmas Kid party, and the watermelon feed. I told her everything from beginning to end. I’ll bet that bunch would all like to get together again, don’t you?
Didn’t it clear off nice? But it sure is cold. I would like to go to bed and just stay there till the winter is over. I dread it so. I’m worse than a feeble old man about cold weather.
I hope your folks are going up to Camp Funston Sunday. If they do and will take me along, I think the folks will come for me tomorrow evening – if it’s perfectly clear. My, I’m anxious to go. It seems so long since last Sunday. I certainly hope you will get off a week from Sunday. If you can get off Saturday and Sunday, and if you come to see me Saturday evening, wouldn’t we pull a big chair up to the fireplace (if it stay this cold) and just talk and talk and talk. But there are so many “ifs.” My, but I wish we could be together again that way….lots of times.
School is going along too smooth. Not enough happened today to make it exciting. I have to get to school pretty early now days to make a fire, but I haven’t minded it in the least so far. I can keep the fire over from one day to the next.
You asked how I would like to see you coming in some evening, Saturday or Sunday. Well, do you remember how happy I was one time when I was away from home and saw you walking over the hill? Well that was [nothing] compared to what it would be now. Why boy, anything like that is too good to be true. I’d give anything to see that smile right now [that] I saw that day. I have your picture right before me and it sure looks just like you – the way I like to think of you, but it isn’t the real person.
I have only been out about an hour away from Parkerson’s in the last three weeks. I’ve been staying here (excepting on Sundays) so I don’t have anything to write about excepting the two things that are on my mind – my school and you (mostly you). There isn’t anything to write about my school part of the time so I half to write about you. That certainly suits me fine, but I don’t know whether you like it or not.
I sure feel like a bird in a cage sometimes. This is different from what I’ve been used to the last seven years. But I like it because I know I don’t do anything wrong. It’s such a good life. I know I’ve got to be just the best I possibly can be in the school room, and here at Parkerson’s. I never get a chance to do anything out of the way, except maybe write something to you that afterwards prick my conscious. But I will always live as near right as I possibly can because I just live for you boy, And when you come back, I want to be just like I was when you left – only a whole lot better.
I expect you will soon be out of that Camp. I’ll be glad, if you have it any better and don’t have to leave soon. I guess you have your bunk and all fixed up by now so it’s pretty decent compared to what it was.
Mrs. Parkerson is going to teach me to knit. I’ll have lots of time when I get that beastly old book outlined.
Well, it’s after eleven o’clock and I must get to bed. Sweet Dreams – and best of luck to you Boy. Your sweetheart, -- Minnie G. Frey
[P.S.] If this letter sounds choppy and funny, don’t be surprised [as] I’m half asleep.
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