Minnie writes to me upon returning to Sherman after visiting me at Camp Funston. Says her “Papa was sore” because she returned late.
Addressed to Mr. Ward C. Griffing, 25th Company, 164th Depot Brigade, Camp Funston, Kansas
[Sherman, Kansas]
Sunday evening, [September 22, 1918]
Dear Ward:
Well I am home. Papa and I left home about 6:45 p.m. Papa was sore because I didn’t get back so he could start at five. We got home just six o’clock and I was sore because I couldn’t stay at Camp [Funston] longer. I didn’t want to leave you at all this evening. I just felt like I couldn’t. But I sure did enjoy every moment we were together. It all seems like a dream already.
Somebody else has to write with a pencil tonight.
My, I just think of so many things tonight that I wanted to say to you today – things that I wanted to say when I saw you, but I was so taken up with you that I didn’t think of what I had to say at all.
I do hope you will get a pass. I have been thinking all the time you would have one next Sunday and we could be at home together once more, but I’ll be mighty well satisfied if you can get one anytime. I’m so anxious about you now to know where you will be sent. I wish so much that you would try and be allowed to enter here at college and then again I think if you are sent to Siberia maybe you would show a better chance. Anything, boy, just so you come home safe and soon. I believe I will just be wild. I’ll be so happy when that miserable mess is over with and you can come home again to stay.
Well, I must go to bed. I’ve ridden 60 miles today in a car. I’m pretty tired. I got all ready for bed and tonight I would sit down and write to you but I’m almost asleep and too much taken up with the dearest boy on earth.
Good night, Darling Boy – Minnie G. Frey
P.S. Your picture sure is a life saver, boy.
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