I tell Minnie about watching a regimental parade and leaving the base without a pass to go into Junction City.
Addressed to Miss Minnie G. Frey, Stockdale, Kansas
Camp Republican
September 23, 1918
Dear Kid:
I received the nice long letter you wrote Friday tonight & as usual was very glad to get it. I suppose you got back to your school alright & things are running as usual. We haven’t done too much – didn’t drill at all. We carried a few tents down to that camp on the west because a regiment from [Camp] Funston came out this morning to shoot on the range. This afternoon we had to dress in our uniforms & march over to the parade grounds near where we were yesterday & watch another regiment parade. I presume they think we can learn how it’s done by watching others do it, like babies.
Last night about dusk, I went with Sergeant Spear to Junction City. He wanted to take some films to be developed & wanted someone for company. It shure seemed good to get out of sight & sound of that old camp. We met our company commander on the street but there was such a crowd, he didn’t see us & it is a mighty good thing because neither one of us had passes. I wouldn’t have gone with one of the [other] men but I thot it would be alright with him.
A few more of the fellows were called out today. I expect a large percent of what is left will be transferred tomorrow or Wednesday. I will shure be glad when I know where I will be. I went to see the company commander today, but he was out. But I talked with the clerk that was in there about the college proposition [and] he said that they had received nothing concerning it & he advised me to wait until I got into my permanent organization. By that time it will be pretty late & I’m afraid it was all bunk anyway because there are a few other college fellows here & they don’t know anything about it. I hope I get transferred to [Camp] Funston & then it won’t make much difference.
Say, you ought to see me now. Last evening after you folks left, I came back to camp & ran across a fellow cutting hair so I waited & got mine cut. You couldn’t run your fingers thru it now if you had the chance. It’s about half an inch long at the longest place. I don’t have to comb it anymore.
I hung out a big wash today during my spare time. Well. I won’t have much news to tell until I am transferred. It shure was good to see you again yesterday & I shure hope & pray it won’t be the last for a year or two. But if it is, it is & that’s all.
Well, good night & sweet dreams. Yours forever, -- Ward
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