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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Letter 72 ~ October 26, 1918

Minnie starts a letter to me on Saturday and completes it the following day after my surprise visit to Manhattan without a pass. We hadn't seen each other for six weeks.

Addressed to Mr. Ward C. Griffing, 25th Company, 164th Depot Brigade, Camp Funston, Kansas

Manhattan, Kansas
[Saturday] October 26, 1918

Dear Ward:

Well it’s still raining and cold. It sure is sloppy weather here. I don’t suppose you have to drill this kind of day, do you?

Sunday evening,

The grandest boy in the world – and the one I love the very best – just then called. How happy I was to quit writing to him and wait for him to come out. Gracious, boy, but I was so happy I couldn’t think. I’ll bet you thought I was rather queer. I told you in one of my letters I had so much to say to you but I haven’t yet. Maybe when you make a few visits like that I’ll be myself. But honest boy, everything just flew from my thoughts. All I could think from the time you stepped in this house till you left was, “Ward is really here” – the thing I’ve wanted to happen more than anything else for two months. I’m so glad you got to come. I’ve food for thought till you come back again.

Today would have been a lonesome one sure enough if Eben hadn’t have come out. He is a very interesting talker, and all we did was sit around and listen to him talk. I haven’t talked to anyone over the phone or anything.

I hope your folks didn’t think you were too generous with your visit with me. Boy, it was great to have you here. I have been happy all day thinking how very happy you have been being with your mother and Willis all day and being at home. Do you feel like that visit was worse than none at all? I sure don’t, Ward.

Boy I believe if I could hear you tell about your work a little oftener, as you told me about it last night, I could get just awfully interested in it. And some of the horror seems to leave. I didn’t think I would enjoy that kind of work, but I do.

Ward, army life certainly isn’t hurting your looks any. You look better to me every time I see you. You just have such a good look that’s just irresistible. And that is not any of Minnie’s flattery either. Everybody thinks so. I am mighty proud that a fine soldier like you thinks lots of me.

Don’t catch a cold dear [in] this weather and still get the flu. I just live for you boy. I know if it wasn’t for you, nothing would seem worth while. I know one good thing that’s going to come of this war – I’m going to be a lot better girl. [It will] probably not [be] anything that’s visible but I feel it.

I hope nothing comes to the worse for your staying today. If it does, I will be sorry you didn’t go out to your home last night. I would rather anything happen almost than for you to get in trouble on my account. But you always are in the right it seems so I just always trust to Ward to know and don’t worry.

You said in one of your letters, “Just believe in me Minnie and everything will be alright.” You don’t know how glad I am, Ward, you said that. It has done me more good. I just say that over to myself and it makes everything alright. I don’t believe there ever was a girl that ‘believed’ more in a boy than I do in you.

Well I expect you are back in camp by this time. Did you find your stove up, and was your bedding awfully damp?

Stella [Munger] just called [but] didn’t have anything of interest to say.

May God keep you safe and sound everyday, Ward. With lots of love for you darling, -- Minnie G. Frey

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ward:
    We're properly In it now. Trench life is all its been cracked up to be. A couple of the boys have already been knocked off and the thrill of this has worn off now. Stop by for a read when you can.

